# API Documentation

I provide a free public REST API that you can use to incorporate real bell schedule, lunch menu, and event data into your project.

# Introduction

The base URL for all requests is https://msbell-backend.harker.xyz/api (HTTPS is required). For example, the full URL for a request to the /schedule endpoint would be https://msbell-backend.harker.xyz/api/schedule.

Every endpoint supports both JSON and URL-encoded request bodies. The code examples use request bodies that are URL-encoded.

Also note that all dates returned in the JSON response are represented as an ISO 8601 (opens new window) date-time string in UTC time.


Be sure to specify either a Content-Type: application/json or Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded HTTP header with each request, depending on which type you use, or else our server may get angry and throw a fit (a 400 error).

Because no authentication is required, I may enforce IP-based rate limiting on all requests. If you encounter problems with accessing our API, please contact [email protected].

# GET /schedule

Gets the bell schedule for a given date.

# Request Structure

  "month": number, // between 1 and 12
  "day": number, // between 1 and 31
  "year": number // four-digit year

# Response Structure

  "date": string, // ISO string for the date at UTC midnight
  "code": string, // usually A, B, C, or D
  "variant"?: string, // usually 'special' or 'adjusted', if applicable
  "name"?: string, // name of the modified schedule or holiday
  "schedule": [
      "start": string, // ISO string in UTC time
      "end": string, // ISO string in UTC time
      "name": string // name of this period

# Example Request

The following example gets the schedule for August 26, 2019. Copy and paste the code into a terminal window to try it out.

curl --request GET \
  --url https://msbell-backend.harker.xyz/api/schedule \
  --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  --data month=8 \
  --data day=26 \
  --data year=2019

# GET /lunchmenu

Gets the lunch menu for a given date.

# Request Structure

  "month": number, // between 1 and 12
  "day": number, // between 1 and 31
  "year": number // four-digit year

# Response Structure

  "date": string, // ISO string for the date at UTC midnight
  "lunch": [
      "place": string, // where this menu item is being served
      "food": string // name of the menu item (may contain newline characters)

# Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url https://msbell-backend.harker.xyz/api/lunchmenu \
  --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  --data month=8 \
  --data day=26 \
  --data year=2019

# GET /events

Gets a list of events for a given date.

# Request Structure

  "month": number, // between 1 and 12
  "day": number, // between 1 and 31
  "year": number // four-digit year

# Response Structure

  "date": string, // ISO string for the date at UTC midnight
  "events": [
      "name": string, // name of this event
      "start": string, // ISO string in UTC time
      "end": string, // ISO string in UTC time
      "category": string // see below for possible category names

# Event Categories

Possible categories (and their corresponding color in the bell schedule app):

Category Identifier Color
Schoolwide schoolwide #EA4335  Red
Academics academics #FA7B17  Orange
Important Events important #FBBC04  Yellow
Athletics & Spirit athspirit #0F9D58  Green
Other Departments/Extracurriculars extra #00C3A6  Teal
Performing Arts perfarts #1A73E8  Blue
Clubs clubs #A142F4  Purple
Special Events special #F538A0  Pink
Schedule Info info #9AA0A6  Gray
Other other #795548  Brown

# Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url https://msbell-backend.harker.xyz/api/events \
  --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  --data month=8 \
  --data day=26 \
  --data year=2019

# GET /clients

Gets the number of clients currently connected to the Harker MS Bell websocket server.

# Request Structure

No parameters necessary.

# Response Structure

A number representing the number of connected clients.

# Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url https://msbell-backend.harker.xyz/api/clients

# GET /clientsInternal

Gets the number of clients currently connected to the Harker MS Bell websocket server, represented by the length of the response in bytes. For internal use.

# Request Structure

No parameters necessary.

# Response Structure

A string with a size in bytes representing the number of connected clients.

Last updated: 8/20/2022, 12:59:37 AM